Monday, April 19, 2010

Feeling fabulous

Well this is my new mantra ~ I've decided to keep my heCheck Spellingad up and continually remind myself that I'm fabulous. Its been a wonderful last few days and I've managed to get some needed rest. After leaving work on Saturday, I chilled at home w/my kiddos and a few of their friends. It was a lovely evening of doing absolutely nothing.

Early yesterday, I celebrated the birthday of a very wonderful friend, my gift to him was spending time together. I think that is a very priceless gift ;D. After leaving him to celebrate w/family, I got to spend the day with my good friend Sean who promised me he made great coffee. Well, he does haahaa. He has a awesome Cuisinart maker and made us some Starbucks Breakfast Blend. I actually drank my coffee with a little sugar and no creamer ~ what?! Yes, surprised myself because I love my creamer. After watching him do some laundry and drink 2 cups, we headed to his friends Matt & Mindy who just purchased a house. He was to help w/the painting and I was to keep the pregnant lady company. I did for the most part but spent most of my time sitting on her fireplace knitting my dishcloth. Yes, you read that correctly ~ knitting my dishcloth. I started a garterlac cloth back in November trying to keep my hand at knitting and would pick it up here and there but never really doing much. Well progress at last and I've only 2 rows left before bind off ~ yeah me! Don't think my knitting mojo is back but I'm starting to feel like one who loves to knit again along w/live my life to the fullest again.

Off to wrap up the last hour of work at the library then head home for some quiet time. I was planning to visit w/friends tonight but I think a hot bath, lite snack, maybe a movie are the only things I need to do tonite. Have a good one!

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